1. Thank you so much for sharing this post. It’s a great reminder when the social network is evolving rapidly. Much appreciated!

  2. I really appreciate this article and reminder. Some think that a show like My Little Pony can be harmless, but I definitely have seen entitlement and stronger demanding attitudes sneak into my kids through innocent “child” entertainment and if we do not discuss it, my kids think it’s acceptable and naturally imitate it. I think discussing it very young is so important before habits can take place!! Love the practical reminders as a family to grow in discernment! It’s part of our daily walk, and we are given help of Holy Spirit ? Thank you!

  3. Wow! You’ve done again – identified a key issue, and provided tools! I’m seeing parenting from a different perspective (later in life), and I have to say that I am amazed at the wisdom God is giving you to share. I know that wisdom is from his Word. Thank you!

  4. Jennifer Lee says:

    Oh Kasey! What a fantastic post! I 100% agree with everything you said! I have 2 wonderful girls ages 4 and 8. We homeschool, so I’m thankful that they aren’t subjected to quite as much as they would in public school. But they have plenty of opportunities to exercise discernment in their extra curricular activities and when it comes to entertainment choices. I just love this post so much. I’ve been following you for awhile and absolutely love your heart for family and the home. We have much in common. Blessings to you from Texas!

  5. Thank you. I appreciate this. I am in the throes of learning my own discernment and surely want to help my children do the same; but better. This is an excellent source of inspiration and guidance to do so. Thank you for your hard work, insight, and snazzy helpful guide on this matter. I can see room for growth in this area for my whole family. Bravo, IntentionalMom!!

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